The best way to design your home office!

When it comes to the perfect home office, there are a few tricks and tips you can use to make your space more productive and utilise the area to create the ideal work environment

When it comes to the perfect home office, there are a few tricks and tips you can use to make your space more productive and utilise the area to create the ideal work environment. Your working environment is a huge contributing factor to your productivity, so it is essential to surround yourself with nice things, be comfortable and feel organised.

The position of your desk can make all the difference to your working day, output and mood. Where possible give yourself a view; this doesn’t necessarily mean a glorious countryside or city scape view (although this would be ideal if possible); what this does mean is don’t face the wall! Move your desk away from the wall and face into the room, let yourself breathe and have stimulating things to look at. Facing the wall can often make you feel closed in, low in mood and itching to move away from the desk making you less productive.

Organisation is key! Cluttered, untidy desks make for cluttered and untidy minds. So, first thing is first, clear your desk of anything that isn’t essential. Now that you have streamlined your desk it’s time to organise it. What items do you need daily and how can you store them? Use trays or files for paperwork, pots for pens and pencils and containers for other items.
Away from your desk use shelving and filing cabinets to stay tidy and streamlined. Keep everything in its place; use it then put it away.

Remember, tidy desk, tidy mind!

To make it feel the space feel more homely, add a scheme to your organisation. Pick colours and patterns that you like and complement each other.

Houseplants are a great way to liven up the area and can provide a touch of nature in your workspace. Plants are said to help reduce stress and increase productivity, so a little greenery can go a long way!

You need a comfy chair in your home office, something that supports your back and maybe adds a touch of style or colour to the space too. You could chuck in a throw as well, for those colder days where you need a warm through.

On your bookshelf, why not place a reed diffuser or candle with your scent of choice, to keep the space smelling amazing whilst you work. A decorative lamp can offer some extra lighting to work under and depending on the lampshade can add to the look of the room.
Think about your blinds, depending on which way your office faces, will the sunlight create glare on your screen?

When you’re working hard, you always need a little pick me up to get you by. Why not add a snack bowl to your office and include your favourite treats to get you through those busy days.

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